The Effect of Sea Surface Temperature on Hurricanes

Media Credits:

Adapted from NOVA scienceNOW: "Stronger Hurricanes."


NOVA scienceNOW:"Stronger Hurricanes"

Visit the program page here.

Support Material Credits

Project Funded By:

Funder: Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) | Color and Grayscale | 2019

Project Credits:

The Climate Literacy-WGBH Collection on PBS LearningMedia is a collaboration of WGBH Educational Productions, WGBH Interactive, and WGBH Media Library. Major funding for this project is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Production Credits

Project Management

Denise Blumenthal

Joe Brandt

Karen Cariani

Christine Dietlin

Howard Lurie

Peter Pinch

Ted Sicker

Christian Wise

Resource Production Team

Anna Brooks

Julie Ecker

Irena Fayngold

Jason Kahn

Christopher Riegle

Lisa Rosenthal

Barbara Seidl

Mitch Smith

Catherine Zaker

Business Management

Maria Constantinides

Polly Searles


Joyce Bowen, Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Brian Campbell, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Sally Crissman, TERC

Jacob Foster, Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Russanne Low, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Copy Editor

Jill Farinelli

Video Closed Captioning

Media Access Group

Resource Credits

Environmental Education Media Project

Kerry Emanuel

Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory

Everett Skinner

Lonnie Thompson

University of Potsdam

Vigdis Broch-Due


Special thanks to AFTRA and AF of M for granting permission to use segments produced with participation of their members.

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